Eucalytptus Bouquet or Shower Bundle
Eucalytptus Bouquet or Shower Bundle

Eucalytptus Bouquet or Shower Bundle

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Our eucalyptus bouquets are grown and dried right here on the farm.  They make  wonderful shower bundles and will make you feel like you're in your very own home spa.

We harvest our varieties of eucalyptus fresh from the field in the summer and fall then bundle them to dry in our drying sheds.  To create a spa experience at home, you can hang your dried eucalyptus bouquet in your shower so that you may enjoy the wonderful aromas and amazing benefits of eucalyptus every day!

Our shower bundles are approximately 12 to 16 inches in length and include approximately 10 to 12 stems of freshly dried eucalyptus.

Thank you and we hope you enjoy our eucalyptus bouquets.